Duty Types and Requirements
Race Officer
This role takes responsibility for running Dinghy racing in a safe manner including overseeing safety boats. You should be very familiar with dinghy racing procedure including setting courses, starting, shortening and abandoning races, individual recall and general recall. You will also need to use the 2-way radio to communicate with safety boats.
Support Boat Cox
You must have experience with driving the support boat, undertake training and be assessed as competent before volunteering as Cox. Please click here to view the syllabus for competency assessment.
Support Boat Crew
You can volunteer as Support Boat Crew if you are fit and able to undertake rescue under the direction of the Cox, which may involve entering the water. If you wish to progress with training on support boats then please volunteer as Support Boat Crew.
Galley Cook
You must have Level 2 Food & Hygiene certificate to undertake this duty. An online course is available and the cost will be reimbursed by the Club https://essentialfoodhygiene.co.uk/product/level-2-food-hygiene-catering
Galley Assistance
Ideally you should have Level 2 Food & Hygiene certificate but, if not, you may assist in the galley e.g. washing up, serving, taking money, making hot drinks but must NOT prepare any food.
Jetty Washing
This is undertaken after dinghy racing as the tide recedes making the mud softer and easier to remove. Jetty washing is a messy job and volunteers should bring appropriate clothing. This is an ideal job to volunteer for if an active dinghy racing sailor or paddler as it can be undertaken in wet gear after racing.
Club Boat Helm
Helming Club Bahia or Vision with a novice crew. Helms should be experienced and sail safely within their limits. There may be more than one novice crew member on board. The aim is to give non-sailors a taste of dinghy sailing. Providing beginner sailing instruction may also be involved.
There are checklists or procedures available for the various duties: