Cruiser Sailing Overview
The Blackwater estuary is ideal for day, weekend or week sailing with many creeks and tributaries of the river to explore and many marinas with in a days sail of the club. For the more adventurous the North Sea is on the doorstep with Holland, Belgium & the French coast just over the horizon.
The club has 25 swing moorings for cruisers up to 28 feet (8.5 metres) and on land winter storage facilities in the club grounds. We also have an area to store tenders securely. The club permits non-sailing motorised cruisers (displacement hull craft) to use the moorings subject to committee approval.
Launching and recovery for any cruiser and trailer combination which is less than 3 tonnes is offered using the clubs capstan to members on appointed days in the year. Larger yachts can be launched and recovered via the Blackwater Marina and stored there or brought by road to be stored over winter in the club grounds.
For new cruiser sailors, the club offers Sailing in company trips with our experienced cruiser members.
For more cruiser information or mooring availability please contact Cruising Secretary see Committee details or email: HBSCcommittee@gmail.com
Cruiser Racing
Cruiser sailors can race with 'Blackwater Joint Racing Committee' (BJRC) who promote and coordinate joint club racing on the Blackwater Estuary, catering for boats from 20 foot through to 40 footers.