DutyMan Allocation Form
If you are eligible for duties you will receive an e-mail (early in the year) when the new duties allocation rota is opened with a link to your Duty Allocation Form. The subject of the e-mail is 'Harlow (Blackwater) Sailing Club: New duties ready for allocation'.
You are able to select your own duties using the Duty Allocation Form on a first come first served basis. The allocation form will be open for a month after which any unallocated duties will be given to those members who have not selected the minimum requirement of duties.
An example of The Duty Allocation Form (partial list shown) is shown below. Select a date/duty you would like to do and the duty is then booked for you.

If you have logged into DutyMan and cannot find the Duty Allocation Form, the link is shown below in the right hand column circled in red.